desktop 🠖 interface documentation

Name Generators using Quick Add 

Name Generator using Quick Add Interface
Name Generator using Quick Add Interface

Name Generator

Nodes of a single type

Uses Prompts:

Name Generators are one of the fundamental components of a network interview. They allow your participant to create alters, thereby describing one of the two main entities in your study's networks.

There are four name generator Interfaces in Network Canvas that can be added to your study, all of which can be configured within Architect.

Available Name Generator interfaces in Architect
Available Name Generator interfaces in Architect

Each of these Interfaces is designed for a specific type of alter elicitation, with several associated advantages and disadvantages. Although they have some configuration options that are shared with all other Network Canvas Interfaces, this article will focus on options specific to the main name generator interface, and a variant of it that uses a 'quick add' mode.

Shared Interface Elements

Both the "Name Generator (Using Forms)" and the "Name Generator (Quick Add)" Interfaces share some common visual elements.

The prompt area, where the task is explained to the participant (see: prompts), a node list area where alters that have been elicited are displayed, a primary action button that triggers the node elicitation process, and (optionally) one or more Side Panels.

Beyond this, you have a choice about how precisely alters should be created - either using a full featured form, or using a simple "quick add" method.

Side Panels

Both of these name generators can use Side Panels. Side panels are a powerful feature that allows you to use network data from either the in-progress interview or from a network data file uploaded to your Architect resource library to assist with name generation activities.

For example, when multiple prompts within a name generator have potential overlap in a participant's social network, it may be useful to bring nodes previously nominated onto a subsequent screen so that a participant can easily list them again.

Configuring a side panel
Configuring a side panel

A side panel can also be created using a network data file (e.g. a roster) to allow a participant to select and nominate alters from a predetermined list. It is important to note that the exact same list will appear on subsequent side panels within the name generator unless a rule(s) is created to filter the data to be shown on the panel (see network filtering).

Side panels can be expanded or contracted in the interview by clicking on the heading.

Using "Quick Add"

When using the "Name Generator (using quick add)" Interface, the primary action button will trigger a single field form that a participant must complete to create an alter. This Interface uses a single "quick add variable" to store the value of the form, which allows a participant to rapidly create alters.

A quick add name generator
A quick add name generator

One or multiple additional variables can be added to alters nominated on this Interface. Capturing additional variables may be useful either to help track where a node was elicited or to reflect a name interpreter element of the prompt (e.g. adding a variable called "close_friend" to a prompt asking about closeness).

Best Practices

Use this Interface when you want to elicit nodes quickly without the burden of collecting other attribute data at the same time.

Use a variable called name as your "quick add variable" unless you have a good reason to use another. Keep in mind that Network Canvas will label nodes using this variable throughout the interview.

Try to Avoid

Avoid adding additional attribute variables to this Interface that could more accurately be collected elsewhere.
